Case Scenarios

Case Scenario #1 – ‘Riley’

You are ‘Riley’, a clever and optimistic middle-class youth. You have just recently graduated high school and you are eager to finally start transitioning into the adult phase of your life. It is summer and you currently do not have much to do. With all this free time on your hands you think of tasks that can keep yourself preoccupied…

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Case Scenario #2 – ‘Jones’

You are ‘Jones’, a discerning and considerate adult, you have been hired as a private investigator for a Government department based in human services to look into numerous complaints of workplace violence and document bullying trends and causes of persecution…

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Case Scenario #3 – ‘Haley’

You are ‘Haley’, a simple and hardworking individual, you are currently working for a counseling firm that has recently employed the use of therapy dogs in some of its sessions. Recent feedback from clients has suggested that the program will be a welcome addition and has been approved for a trial run before future investment…

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