Resource Guidelines


This particular resource in essence is a web-based choose your own adventure game.

For those who are new to this type of formula, the only tools required is simply your mouse and eyes.

From the scenario selection menu you will be presented with three to choose from. Click on the designated text that will take you to the introduction page.

From there on you may be presented with one or more choices that will influence the direction of the scenario you have chosen. Simply follow the hyperlinks and enjoy.

Methods for engagement

When reading through each perspective scenario remember to read through the paragraphs and choices carefully.

For the best user experience I would recommend that for your first play-through for each scenario that you refrain from back tracking to previous choices until you have achieved your first conclusion.

When reviewing choices try and think about what this all means and whether any previous points have any relation.

Ask yourself questions about what you would do personally in either situation? Place yourself in the perspective of the character but what about the perspectives of those around them? Can you or anyone you know relate to either scenario? Are there some aspects that you otherwise agree or disagree to? Try to think from different professional practice perspectives?

Remember to think not only outside the box but also to think inside the box as well

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